Dear Brothers and Sisters:
2010 is about to close its portal. Much has happened, albeit mostly behind the scenes.
This year was a year of intense high-level Divine Remote Influencing intervention, great parts of which I am very much aware of, to avoid a gigantic clash in the Middle East which could have wrecked this whole Creation. There was a tremendous level of cause-and-effect-crescents’ intervention to rapidly de-vibrate the very toxic elements of dark oil which were seeping uncontrollably for months in the US Gulf of Mexico region after the "Deep Horizon" deep-drilling platform "accident," which could have disrupted the flow of the ocean’s life-giving ecological balance and sustenance for most of our planet if no Divine intervention would have occurred.
As of now, humanity is not kept alive (and relatively well so) because of our human intelligence and scientific progress and/or technologies, but rather in spite of our present still very low-level restricted functions.
The Divine Hope was and still is that we would understand that as much as we human Creatures have been gifted limited free will and co-Creative input, we need to recognize that Higher and closer elements/Beings to Source or Source Itself are also certainly allowed to co-create here, and that the vibrational and Creational tools they have at their disposal are by far greater in power and impact than ours. All that separates us from this highly important realization is our limited but over-inflated human egoic mind.
The Divine Hope was and still remains that we will finally understand that each and every so-called convulsive and close to catastrophic event we are, as of late, experiencing, for the last couple of years, carries a deep embedded lesson within it from The One Himself: a Loving warning message as to behaviors we have learned to embrace that need to be corrected in the future and changed as rapidly as possible, for our own good and survivability.
This applies to our recent and still unfolding world financial crisis, economical dislocations, earth changes, geopolitical flash points, potentially dangerous technologies espoused in a rush for short-term gratification, etc. The core message is clear: "Please change your state of awareness and consciousness as the global family which you are and then help "download from Higher intelligence," co-create, and apply new structures that will, in the future, avoid such dangerous dislocations and imbalances. Notice how all is global now and affecting all and everywhere. Notice how all needs the solution of Oneness in order to be finally resolved."
Human consciousness has evolved from the conditional loving and separative, self-centered, egoic, protective instinct of first, tribal consciousness, to city/state, then national, to blocks of countries, and has of late found itself, albeit reluctantly so, on the cusp of embracing all of humanity within a global perspective. For in reality the message is simple: ALL is One and all affects the Oneness. At our level of conditional human love, we also experience this basic tenet in the manifest phenomenal world. This is why this planetary consciousness is now facing planetary challenges, and humanity needs to unite across all divides in order to survive and solve global problems. The structures for human unconditional unity and love are still quite crude here. Humans are still mired in conditional love and self-centered interests and cannot make these structures fully functional and systematically beneficial to all.
The key ingredient missing from our convulsing plane is the unifying Spiritual dimension, in which a separative, conditionally loving humanity based upon the desire to receive and accumulate material gifts transcends the "dust to dust" state (for all material things including our biological vessels go back to dust). This is when humanity finally accepts and decides to unify with its Spiritual, unconditionally Loving, Life-giving Source and operate in unison under the unconditionally Loving, life-giving vibration. It is when humanity realizes that deep within us lies the Real Eternal Self surrounding Itself with only an environmental, lesser mortal vehicle/vessel destined to dust and originating from it, and that mankind's main focus should be on the evolvement and improvement of the condition of that very Inner Eternal Divine Self, using the help of the outer vehicles we travel within as Spirit, and not the other way around, as is the case now within matter-oriented earth.
When that final jump in humanity’s consciousness is achieved, all is possible and all is healed. Without it, nothing can and nothing will.
That is the One and only solution to avoid conflict, undesirable fear-based competition, and serious destruction and disruption in the flow of Love.
If I were to propose a metaphor for the sake of clarity, kindly imagine a sophisticated Divine computer where we all reside within it as components of Creation; i.e., Creatures. The energy animating all characters, i.e. individuations whether humans, animals or vegetable, is One and is the Unconditional Life-giving Energy of the One. At that level, all the One is, is pure bestowing of Life, and Its Divine Energy circulates in the EL'ectrical circuitry of this EL'ectron-based creation. Its quality is of pure unconditional bestowing, without judgment, without preference. It just IS and is the River of Life flowing within all of us. When that flow is interrupted, all that came from dust and got animated goes back to dust and the basic earth elements. The Flow does not, for it is Eternal as the IS.
This River of Life is PURE Unconditional Love.
It is the flow from The One.
We, as creatures, were created in the shadow (inverted) aspects of the One, which means with the inverted tendencies of the Oneness. For the One's only tendency is to gift, favor and savor sharing, and witness happiness in ALL Creatures. In our inverted programs, we desire receiving more and more for “ourselves” and gifting takes a secondary role to receiving. We would like to receive first, and then may consider sharing and gifting, if we consider that enough is left for such. We operate only in conditional, possessive love. We do not understand unconditional, non-possessive, non-judgmental Divine Love for it is, for most, outside of their programmed consciousness/facets.
However, for the very few who have experienced directly Real Love throughout the ages, Love is not what the One is, but WHO It IS.
You can only bask in that Presence if you have entrained yourself to invert back and become One-like because Unconditional Love and Oneness cannot merge with its inversion: conditional, possessive love, i.e. fear-based love, and allow for the second to remain alive and operative within it. It would automatically absorb such inverted energy back into the only Reality.
Hence we, as human shells/facets or created individuations, are separated from our Divine Essence flowing through our biological Vehicles as the Deep Silent Loving Presence.
One can only stay in Real Love by BE-coming Real Love and resonate in Beingness with such.
Human fear-based emotions cannot allow for the merger with Divine Love. You can only bask in Its Loving Presence if you invert you natural-born tendency to want to receive into a full desire to gift pure Love to your Source which is but you, and Be-come in that process. You can only bask in that presence if you de-hypnotize yourself, at least for a while, and then for longer and longer moments, from the human drama-laden matrix and the fear we accumulate and project out.
This is the major stumbling block that humans have and are encountering in merging back with the Inner River of Life, the real Tree of Life flowing within Its Solitary Self within All the manifold expressions of Creation.
All, if not most manifestation protocols taught nowadays, as in past periods, originate primarily from a desire to receive, not unconditional bestowing, and thence do not address the issue of merger with the Love of One and the Oneness, and operate from that level. As such they are doomed to final dust, as are their manifestations.
The final goal for all of Humanity is to meet its Creator half-way at a point of awareness where it balances its primary and natural desire for reception of gifts and accumulation therein with a strong and innate burning desire to bestow onto others and especially the Oneness-of-One Pure unconditional Love and thanksgiving for Being.
When that point is reached, all of desires manifest, however only in the paradisaical state of Oneness and pure sharing amongst all of us of bestowed gifts.
This is where we are all heading, as not only this universe but all universes, as the great awakening unfolds and the real beginnings to Creation ends and a new world IS.
Nevertheless, until now, humans, as capacitors and resistors in the EL-ectrical circuitry of our Earth Matrix, have mostly desired to grab and accumulate (store and possess) as much of the Divine energy material bestowed as possible. Alas, we do not, for the most, perceive that all human storage capacitors and resistors are but stationary points of reflective properties of the One, just mirages filled with Pure Loving energy. Most humans either want more of dust created structures, or even think of the One, in a perverse reversed anthropomorphic fashion, as being "like us:" possessive, bent on control and power, adulation, ego-bound, judgmental, fierce, and quick to anger and serve Divine punishment.
Paradoxically, and not surprisingly, man has tended to want to create (imagine) the One in our (man's) image, and as we have done so and projected thought toward such, thenceforth gigantic thought forms were created, and sustained, bound for their power on our giving them attention and hence energy. These have in turn come back for millennia to hunt us and our collective soul for many centuries asking for more energized fear-based attention.
In reality, as with all thought forms they are but created of dust, destined to go back to dust, but as long as we gift them the light of our Divine awareness, they "exist" and manifest in our inner worlds or outer ones. They fight for "conditional" love.
Please pay close attention to what I will state. Dust can only go back to dust, and so it is for your body, house, all material structures, and the thought forms molded energy circuitries we create out of cultural programming or election within our minds.
All is Mind. The Human mind is a subset of the Divine Mind. However, it is created in its similitude but in a shadowy and hence dark inverted format to the Pure Loving Divine Light. This is very clearly explained in the first chapter of Genesis in its original language.
The One usually manifests and speaks thorough the manifest world, especially the natural one, because such events do attract for now far more attention. For man has lost the belief in his ability to directly connect to the One. Man has lost the key to that connection. It is up to us to understand the deep meanings of events and decode the metaphors. Rare are the direct word-for-word communications which most often than not are found to be ignored, often misunderstood, or worst distorted. Nevertheless these are capital too in bringing ALL in alignment with Pure Love.
I must admit that my heart is heavy with the realization, that little long-term effective awareness change has yet permeated our consciousness. Man is still partially blind and deaf.
We are always responding with our limited human intellect to the latest crisis, instead of seeing the message in it, absorb the lesson, and tend to prevent the next ones by changing ALL of our modus operandi.
On this day on this North American continent which espoused first, before all others, the idea of uniting and accepting lovingly different states, ethnic groups, cultures and belief systems, it is customary to take a day off from the work of the matrix and unite with friend and family in a day of thanksgivings.
On this day and for that reason, I would like to thank first and foremost my Beloved Source who animates me Lovingly and ALL that surrounds me: the One Himself, for all of His eternal Love and His unyielding support to keep this shared dream, which we call the earth plane, and its inhabitants, functioning and hopefully striving for a leap of awareness that will propel us to the end of our "beginnings" as a Creation, the end of the real big bang, so we may, hopefully for most of us, reach the beginning of real Manifest creation where the One and Oneness becomes permanently and pervasively manifest for Eternity.
Whether you want to call The One: Universal Force, Father/Mother Creator of ALL, Universe, Al (El) which means the Aleph/Alpha symbol representing in hidden format the unity of One, Allah which means the Unity projected into Creation, or Elohim which means the many co-Creators extent within the One, or by any other name, is irrelevant to me, for I will always see Its true Being as the One-and-Only-Reality which keeps vibrating ALL, including every single atom of us into Reality so that His Dream, of which we are but only little parts, takes on a Reality of Higher conscious awareness, greater bounty, and peaceful and joyful state.
Whether you focus, for now, only on His manifested Presence in the phenomenal world, and see, out of human intellectual interest or scientific curiosity, or even spiritual inspiration, that manifested world as the Creative aspect Itself , or like to call Him by His Anointed (Messiah) avatars is just fine with me, for all is One and destined to only be so, for One cannot be otherwise.
Whether you see the inverted dark side as outside His awareness and Being or within, is not what I want to focus on. All I know is that I am aware of how much He/She needed to intervene last year in order to avert us from spiraling into final and eternal chaos from whence the only relief would have been the door of extinction as final death for all in this realm and much, much more.
For that, I am deeply in Love. I am in Love and thankful for the Unconditional Loving Energy which plugs into the Lattice/Matrix of Life and gifts all of us - facets/inhabitants, the gift of animation (life) and interaction for a life moment, whether human or animal, vegetable or even structural, whether white, black, yellow, red or any kaleidoscope thereof, whether believers in structured religions or atheist and agnostics, whether Christians, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslims or part of any other restricted but comprehensive to humans’ interpretation of the Eternal. To that Unconditional Loving non-judgmental Energy which gifts Life and Is Unconditional Love manifest, I bow down in Love and gratitude for keeping us afloat and alive, moment after moment.
And for you, my dear friends, who are traveling this Lattice paths with me during these very important times, I also bow down in Gratitude and Unconditional Love for I know how very challenging, conflicting and confusing these times are and how much they ask of you the ultimate sacrifice which is the sacrifice of faith well above reason. Faith to know that things will eventually turn out fine and maybe even glorious after the season of leanness and insecurity is done and its lessons absorbed by most of us.
I feel for you, I know and also partake of your plight, and I thank you, all of you, for accepting to remain afloat in the boat of the One which is floating above the raging waters of Creation being flooded with the upper waters of Light Consciousness (Heavens) and the lower waters of inverted consciousness and behavior (Inverted lower worlds). We are all waiting for the storms to quell and the water of mixed and merged signals and behaviors to recede, and clear dry demarked land and guided orientation being gifted in the new world/earth soon to be made manifest.
Please realize that you have been chosen, out of myriads or Creations, to go on that boat bridging old and new realities. Most of the other Creations/universes are not here anymore. Understand how blessed you are and how serious your commitment should be. Ponder that reality. I will leave this at that for now. More will be explained later.
We are in the midst of these stormy waters of the One Consciousness flooding all Creation to re-create Oneness. Soon the new dry land will appear. Please be and stay patient, for this is a very complicated and arduous journey which we are all undertaking, humans and nature alike, together with many sub-creators, and the Mother/Father/One: Source Trilogy.
Many years ago, after a very High and sacred session of communion with the One, I asked "What is it that you would require of us that would really bring you contentment?"
The answer came as follows: " Love, my son. I am in dear need of Love, for I, the One, always gift of myself to all Creation. I love ALL of it, every aspect of it. The idea that I am in need of worshiping is a human-tinted distorted idea of Who I Am, for I know Who I Am, I know that I am the King of Kings of all Kings. I know all of my infinite powers. I have no need for ego boosting, no need for reminders of my status as All Eternal, All powerful, for truthfully I get too much of that already. I certainly do not enjoy the children/creatures bickering for my attention and "in my name" effect conflict and violence amongst each other. Can you understand that, my son? I, God, am in need of Love from my Creatures, more than anything else. I am in need of pure unconditional appreciation for all that I do and Create, purely out of Love, for my Creatures.
Truly son, I, God, am sick for Love from my beloved Creatures.
I, God, have felt so little of it, but rather adulation based on fear, a vibration which I cannot connect to, that I am not only all One but all Lonely, feeling separated and disconnected from my Divine Creation and its Divine Creatures.
When they think that they please me by fearing me and worshiping me, they manifest but the opposite of Love, for true Divine Love is all-consuming , all-accepting, all-integrating.
When so many reject me because they feel uncomfortable with the ways many have set up worshiping structures around me, my heart cries for them, for I, Pure Untainted Spirit/Mind cannot reach the ones who are ready and open to readily accept who I really am which is pure Unconditional Love. I do not focus on Love. I AM Love. That is all my Being really IS and can be, nothing else really IS.
That is all I can really be, which is but the Original Father/Divine Seed waiting for His children to come back to His Glorious Mansion that He has prepared for them all, Dreaming of watching them play and grow happy within it, bathed by Divine Love.
I am the Original Mother receptacle who has provided the fertile soil to let these seedlings grow and flourish, and weeps when they argue, compete, and do not recognize themselves as true Brothers and Sisters in One-and-Oneness and often neglect the earth plane womb and its beautiful gifted environment and natural creatures, which I keep unconditionally gifting and vibrating for my human children.
I am the children, all Original Sons and Daughters who have come to visit this Creational plane and operate their dreams and visions on this earth, hopefully soon creating all from the H(eart) plane.
Please tell them that I feel ALL ONE, Alone and neglected, unrecognized, un-Loved.
Please tell them to stop fighting amongst themselves for my attention.
I will not favor one over the other. They are all Me.
I will only align to the ones that can show unconditional Love which IS Me.
Love has not language, no country, no name, no faith; it just IS and will remain forever, all the rest is but illusion."
So, on this day of thanks giving and hopefully on all days from now henceforth, I ask of you to do this healing of Creation towards the One: Help heal your Uni-Creator for the neglect He has felt for so long. Gift the Creator Love, recognition, and appreciation.
Whether you belong or not to an old or recent spiritual belief system is totally irrelevant.
Please show thanksgivings, and you will be surprised as to how much unconditional Love and gifts will shine you way back to all of you, in the name of the Oneness who has until now been experiencing a painful lack the Love that It so freely bestows to ALL Creation.
Please try to have in your heart/mind, as much as possible, a feeling of unconditional Love towards the Creator: The One.
If you cannot do more, please at least try to segregate daily three 10-minute periods—morning, afternoon and evening—to sit down quietly and just express deep Unconditional Love to your Source of Life.
This IS the Secret of All secrets, and the Key to communication and Pure communion with the One, the Holy of Holies.
This Key is to offer the Present of directed Unconditional deeply felt Love towards the One.
This is the ONLY way to directly communicate with Source: Unconditional Love, which is but what Source IS and Vibrates in.
Many have called our Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality (the One) and told me that they do not feel they can communicate with Source.
I always answer them that they are not using the right frequency channel of communication which is but to be in a state of Pure Love, unfettered with concerns, fear or demands. As state of Loving gratitude, familiar Presence, Pure Love and appreciation for being gifted the gift of Life and witnessing it all round us and within us.
Energies can only communicate in harmony with similar vibrating energies, and Unconditional Love cannot communicate with its opposite facets: fear, anger, and aggression, which is an expression kept and fueled by the antiOne tendency, the main energy/facet operating this realm, a facet that many keep alive by their thoughts and actions bent on separation, control, and fear-based elitism.
For the One to merge with the vibrations of the antiOne is utterly impossible, for in the Loving Light of One, fear, as its opposite, cannot coexist, and hence only this illusory outer dust bound shell can manifest here as the illusion that it is: the separative fear-bound thought form we have kept energizing, mostly not realizing the impact of such. The core or the Holy of Holy of Pure Unconditional Love cannot be tainted by what It IS not and is but illusion sustained by our vibrations and inverted thoughts.
When mankind makes the effort to align to such real Pure Divine Love frequency and SHOWS that inner tendency within ITS being and hence his/her actions, it aligns to its Source, merges with that Holy Vibration, remains alive in the Source of Eternal Life, and then the seemingly miraculous happens, as the One opens communication to this individuation of Itself.
Please do this for your Creator and for ALL Creation. Do it for your real Self. You are now hypnotized by you unfolding life, but behind all this drama and all its tribulations lies the ONLY and TRUE Reality: Unconditional Love wanting to feel, reflected back to Itself, as same, so that the circuitry of Creation is completed and we can all, as One and Oneness, regain our former Glory and be get back Home again.
And the real Big Bang will be, and the Eternal Creation of The REAL and Eternal Love will unfold and the un-real (fear and its manifested structures) will disappear from all realms, back to dust, to be replaced by Brilliant Loving Light within each and every one of you who accepts to partake of this glorious and unique journey.
I love you all.
I wish you a happy thanksgiving day, every day, forever so.
Your friend on this journey,
Gerald O'Donnell
Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality (One)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Master Hilarion Message Oct 17/10
--- posted with permission, see below
October 17-24, 2010
Beloved Lightworkers,
There has been a great many physical symptoms occurring within you this past week as you each adjust your fields to the higher energies. You will find yourselves experiencing great tiredness from the assimilation of these energies and this week is the time to rest as much as you can. Your physical bodies are experiencing many changes and giving your body rest when it requires rest will help greatly to bring you back to comfort.
You are finding or will find, subtle or not so subtle changes, in the way people around you act towards you. It will seem as though they are seeing you for the first time in a long time. This is because the energy that you have been grounding into the Earth through your physical bodies has now expanded in a greater radius around you and it is affecting and increasing the Light quotient in the atmosphere of Earth and subsequently effecting a positive change in the people of the Earth.
Your loved ones will pour their attention upon you in an effort to connect and show you in many different, wonderful ways that you are important to them. What you will be seeing, Dear Ones, is good karma returning to you and it will no longer hold true that the “good girls and guys finish last”, for your past efforts will now begin to bear fruit in whatever way most pleases and fulfills you and brings you the greatest joy.
Feel the joy as it wells up within you and try to remember this emotion so that you can bring it up at will and use it to keep yourselves in this state as frequently as possible. The feeling of joy automatically increases your Light quotient and frequency level and this will help you in your anchoring of your Higher Self for a greater and more conscious connection. This is the next level now and it will be uncomfortable for quite some time as adjustments and attunements are made for greater integration. Remember to ask each day for assistance in integrating your Higher Self energies with grace, ease, comfort and safety and your Angelic teams will work unceasingly to help you to do this.
If you are finding yourselves with seemingly overwhelming symptoms, always remember to ask for assistance from your Angelic team and then lie down until it passes. Your bodies are going through tremendous changes and following the promptings of your bodies will be very helpful at this time. Listen closely and eat when you feel hungry rather than when it is your established routine to do so and make it a strong point to drink plenty of good, clean water throughout the day. We are noticing that so many of you get so busy that you forget this most important ingredient in your Ascension process right now. Water is a conductor of these energies and will facilitate the integration more quickly and in a more comfortable way.
Above all, trust in this process and that what you are experiencing in the situations in your lives are all for a higher purpose and even though you cannot see that purpose now, it will be very clear to you in retrospect. Become aware of each moment of now, for this is the way to your Mastery. Follow your heart’s promptings in whatever way it leads you even if it seems strange and lacking in common sense. Your heart knows what is necessary for greater progress in your expansion of Self. Practice focusing on your high heart chakra several times a day until you can feel it pulsating with energy.
Keep on keeping on, Beloved Ones, there is much change on the road ahead and you are cutting the path for others to follow. Remember that you never walk alone, that we of the Ascended realms and the Angelic realms walk ever beside you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
October 17-24, 2010
Beloved Lightworkers,
There has been a great many physical symptoms occurring within you this past week as you each adjust your fields to the higher energies. You will find yourselves experiencing great tiredness from the assimilation of these energies and this week is the time to rest as much as you can. Your physical bodies are experiencing many changes and giving your body rest when it requires rest will help greatly to bring you back to comfort.
You are finding or will find, subtle or not so subtle changes, in the way people around you act towards you. It will seem as though they are seeing you for the first time in a long time. This is because the energy that you have been grounding into the Earth through your physical bodies has now expanded in a greater radius around you and it is affecting and increasing the Light quotient in the atmosphere of Earth and subsequently effecting a positive change in the people of the Earth.
Your loved ones will pour their attention upon you in an effort to connect and show you in many different, wonderful ways that you are important to them. What you will be seeing, Dear Ones, is good karma returning to you and it will no longer hold true that the “good girls and guys finish last”, for your past efforts will now begin to bear fruit in whatever way most pleases and fulfills you and brings you the greatest joy.
Feel the joy as it wells up within you and try to remember this emotion so that you can bring it up at will and use it to keep yourselves in this state as frequently as possible. The feeling of joy automatically increases your Light quotient and frequency level and this will help you in your anchoring of your Higher Self for a greater and more conscious connection. This is the next level now and it will be uncomfortable for quite some time as adjustments and attunements are made for greater integration. Remember to ask each day for assistance in integrating your Higher Self energies with grace, ease, comfort and safety and your Angelic teams will work unceasingly to help you to do this.
If you are finding yourselves with seemingly overwhelming symptoms, always remember to ask for assistance from your Angelic team and then lie down until it passes. Your bodies are going through tremendous changes and following the promptings of your bodies will be very helpful at this time. Listen closely and eat when you feel hungry rather than when it is your established routine to do so and make it a strong point to drink plenty of good, clean water throughout the day. We are noticing that so many of you get so busy that you forget this most important ingredient in your Ascension process right now. Water is a conductor of these energies and will facilitate the integration more quickly and in a more comfortable way.
Above all, trust in this process and that what you are experiencing in the situations in your lives are all for a higher purpose and even though you cannot see that purpose now, it will be very clear to you in retrospect. Become aware of each moment of now, for this is the way to your Mastery. Follow your heart’s promptings in whatever way it leads you even if it seems strange and lacking in common sense. Your heart knows what is necessary for greater progress in your expansion of Self. Practice focusing on your high heart chakra several times a day until you can feel it pulsating with energy.
Keep on keeping on, Beloved Ones, there is much change on the road ahead and you are cutting the path for others to follow. Remember that you never walk alone, that we of the Ascended realms and the Angelic realms walk ever beside you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
master Hilarion
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Laser, love and Einstein
Some 2000 years ago a man by the name of Jesus Christ noted and made clear to the followers that beam of pure love can penetrate even the darkest heart in the Universe.
Basically all great spiritual teachings are somehow connected to the beam of light (or from the heaven, inside or outside, various types of light in your body...) and the good which this light can do for us. This beam of light is more or less used as different name for love. I assume this happens from practicall aspect: it is easier to use/imagine light than love in pe. meditation. (and the result is the same)
There was just a matter of time when this knowledge would materialize in our dimension in a way that even most hard heads would understand and be able to benefit from the use it.
So, great Albert Einstein studied back in 1917 the equilibrium between light and matter. Which, back than, was still purely abstract problem.
Interestingly, he concluded that a strong beam of light will stimulate atoms to emit more light of exactly the same color (wave length) and direction.
You get penetration, sort of speak.
And even more: This is the principle of the laser (Townes). Used to make very concentrated beams of light, heat sources penetrating deeply into matter.
Hm. Light/love/laser. It is completely in our hands how we use this love/light technology. Whether we heal our eyes with enourmously precise laser procedures or we just cut each other with laser-beam weapons.
Love is still the same.
Basically all great spiritual teachings are somehow connected to the beam of light (or from the heaven, inside or outside, various types of light in your body...) and the good which this light can do for us. This beam of light is more or less used as different name for love. I assume this happens from practicall aspect: it is easier to use/imagine light than love in pe. meditation. (and the result is the same)
There was just a matter of time when this knowledge would materialize in our dimension in a way that even most hard heads would understand and be able to benefit from the use it.
So, great Albert Einstein studied back in 1917 the equilibrium between light and matter. Which, back than, was still purely abstract problem.
Interestingly, he concluded that a strong beam of light will stimulate atoms to emit more light of exactly the same color (wave length) and direction.
You get penetration, sort of speak.
And even more: This is the principle of the laser (Townes). Used to make very concentrated beams of light, heat sources penetrating deeply into matter.
Hm. Light/love/laser. It is completely in our hands how we use this love/light technology. Whether we heal our eyes with enourmously precise laser procedures or we just cut each other with laser-beam weapons.
Love is still the same.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sixth sense
We perceive the physical (seen) world through the five physical senses (i.e. smell, taste, sight, touch and sound), our mind (our feelings) and our intellect (decision making capacity).
When it comes to the unseen world or the subtle world, we perceive it through the five subtle senses, the subtle mind and the subtle intellect - more popularly known as our sixth sense.
When the sixth sense is developed or activated, it helps us to experience the subtle world or subtle dimension. This experience of the subtle world is also known as a ‘spiritual experience’.
The ability to perceive or experience the subtle dimension through the five subtle senses, subtle mind and subtle intellect is known as one’s sixth sense.
When it comes to the unseen world or the subtle world, we perceive it through the five subtle senses, the subtle mind and the subtle intellect - more popularly known as our sixth sense.
When the sixth sense is developed or activated, it helps us to experience the subtle world or subtle dimension. This experience of the subtle world is also known as a ‘spiritual experience’.
The ability to perceive or experience the subtle dimension through the five subtle senses, subtle mind and subtle intellect is known as one’s sixth sense.
sixth sense
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Are you CIO or just CEO ?
Every Chief Executive Officer (CEO) should deserve to be promoted to Chief Inspirational Officer (CIO).
If you check Wikipedia it says that:
"the responsibility of the chief executive officer is to align the company, internally and externally, with their strategic vision. The core duty of a CEO is to facilitate business outside of the company while guiding employees and other executive officers towards a central objective. The size and sector of the company will dictate the secondary responsibilities. A CEO must have a balance of internal and external initiatives to build a sustainable company."
But, one important responsibility is missing.
CEO's responsibility to perform also as a role model for organisation.
And role models are there to inspire us. People who inspire us they all have inspirational mindset.
Mindset is totally unconscious, and yet it drives all actions and subsequent results in ones profession as well as ones life. While there has been much talk about mindsets in the last ten years, very few people know what they are.
Briefly, your mindset is the combination of your experiences, values, beliefs, self-image, attitudes and habits that are lodged in your unconscious mind. They determine every action and every result you have in your life. You can typically double or triple your results by dealing with the foundational cause.
I am not suggesting that skills are not important... they are. But only if they are laid upon a firm foundation of winning thought. This is much more than just motivation or "positive thinking." If you want to change or improve your results, you must change and improve yourself at the causal level.
Your mindset is the cause! Long-term success is not about acquiring new skills... it's about shifting your mindset. Success is about creating and sustaining a winning mindset.
So, are you also inspirational (CIO) or just Chief executive officer (CIO)?
If you check Wikipedia it says that:
"the responsibility of the chief executive officer is to align the company, internally and externally, with their strategic vision. The core duty of a CEO is to facilitate business outside of the company while guiding employees and other executive officers towards a central objective. The size and sector of the company will dictate the secondary responsibilities. A CEO must have a balance of internal and external initiatives to build a sustainable company."
But, one important responsibility is missing.
CEO's responsibility to perform also as a role model for organisation.
And role models are there to inspire us. People who inspire us they all have inspirational mindset.
Mindset is totally unconscious, and yet it drives all actions and subsequent results in ones profession as well as ones life. While there has been much talk about mindsets in the last ten years, very few people know what they are.
Briefly, your mindset is the combination of your experiences, values, beliefs, self-image, attitudes and habits that are lodged in your unconscious mind. They determine every action and every result you have in your life. You can typically double or triple your results by dealing with the foundational cause.
I am not suggesting that skills are not important... they are. But only if they are laid upon a firm foundation of winning thought. This is much more than just motivation or "positive thinking." If you want to change or improve your results, you must change and improve yourself at the causal level.
Your mindset is the cause! Long-term success is not about acquiring new skills... it's about shifting your mindset. Success is about creating and sustaining a winning mindset.
So, are you also inspirational (CIO) or just Chief executive officer (CIO)?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Intuition vs. Sixth Sense
Are intuition and sixth sense the same thing?
They actually both give you some kind of information. As I intent to show below, intuition is an inteletual faculty, a part of conscious mind, while sixth sense is antenna-like capability allowing us to connect our own personal information matrix with universal information matrix where all informations are in pure form and available to all.
But let's go step by step. If things have different names it ussually means that they really are different. Ussually in such cases one can be sure that they share similarities, but they are not exactly the same. Mist and fog, shower and downpour, love and affection ... Check for definitons for yourself :) It applies also to intuition and sixth sense. They share similarities but they are essentially different.
So, what do they share?
Both of these give you some kind feeling to do this or do that or not do something. Very rarely such tips are in a form which is undeniably clear and concrete. Even more, ussually you have to find out the details for yourself. Both rely upon your trust to the feelings, hints etc., enough that you actually do something about them. Main similarity between these two terms is really having a feeling that you would be better off if you followed a particular course of action.
And where do they differ?
First, let's agree that your sixth sense is simply that, an extra sense which you have which warns you of things. It's a bit like the other five senses except that it doesn't have a specific organ. It simply is there and you get a feeling. So calling it a sixth sense really is quite accurate in a way. 5 other + another one. Intuition, on the other hand, seems to cover a lot more. Can you ask you're sixth sense which team will win World Cup? No. But you can ask your intuition and THEN your sixth sense picks up the partial answer and gives you the feeling that red-orange team is the one to bet on it.
But I think it goes even deeper than that!
If your sixth sense acts as a warning device to keep you out of trouble, then your intuition acts a way of putting things in front of you to help your life.
We all know and can easily remember occasions which resulted in a big change in our lives. For some people this are just coincidences. Others will say that such happenings were 'meant to be' or were 'destined to happen'.
I believe that those meetings are a direct result of your intuition working away behind the scenes and bringing about the event which will improve your life, alter it in a way you like (even if you realize that later on).
For sure we all know someone who wants to change something in their life. Maybe just a relationship, or a job maybe. As an observer, you can see a lot of opportunities coming at them, but they only see obstacles and barriers.
Each time you see an opportunity for them, it's their intuition giving them a chance to change. It brings them point of decision. For opportunity or else.
The sixth sense simply gives information about something and gives you a feeling. It actually acts like antenna to universal knowledge, a kind of "static" informational-flow device. On the other hand intuition is always at work and it tries to help you do what you want. All you have to do is recognize it when it presents you with something good for you. And that's where your sixth sense pops in!
They actually both give you some kind of information. As I intent to show below, intuition is an inteletual faculty, a part of conscious mind, while sixth sense is antenna-like capability allowing us to connect our own personal information matrix with universal information matrix where all informations are in pure form and available to all.
But let's go step by step. If things have different names it ussually means that they really are different. Ussually in such cases one can be sure that they share similarities, but they are not exactly the same. Mist and fog, shower and downpour, love and affection ... Check for definitons for yourself :) It applies also to intuition and sixth sense. They share similarities but they are essentially different.
So, what do they share?
Both of these give you some kind feeling to do this or do that or not do something. Very rarely such tips are in a form which is undeniably clear and concrete. Even more, ussually you have to find out the details for yourself. Both rely upon your trust to the feelings, hints etc., enough that you actually do something about them. Main similarity between these two terms is really having a feeling that you would be better off if you followed a particular course of action.
And where do they differ?
First, let's agree that your sixth sense is simply that, an extra sense which you have which warns you of things. It's a bit like the other five senses except that it doesn't have a specific organ. It simply is there and you get a feeling. So calling it a sixth sense really is quite accurate in a way. 5 other + another one. Intuition, on the other hand, seems to cover a lot more. Can you ask you're sixth sense which team will win World Cup? No. But you can ask your intuition and THEN your sixth sense picks up the partial answer and gives you the feeling that red-orange team is the one to bet on it.
But I think it goes even deeper than that!
If your sixth sense acts as a warning device to keep you out of trouble, then your intuition acts a way of putting things in front of you to help your life.
We all know and can easily remember occasions which resulted in a big change in our lives. For some people this are just coincidences. Others will say that such happenings were 'meant to be' or were 'destined to happen'.
I believe that those meetings are a direct result of your intuition working away behind the scenes and bringing about the event which will improve your life, alter it in a way you like (even if you realize that later on).
For sure we all know someone who wants to change something in their life. Maybe just a relationship, or a job maybe. As an observer, you can see a lot of opportunities coming at them, but they only see obstacles and barriers.
Each time you see an opportunity for them, it's their intuition giving them a chance to change. It brings them point of decision. For opportunity or else.
The sixth sense simply gives information about something and gives you a feeling. It actually acts like antenna to universal knowledge, a kind of "static" informational-flow device. On the other hand intuition is always at work and it tries to help you do what you want. All you have to do is recognize it when it presents you with something good for you. And that's where your sixth sense pops in!
sixth sense
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Why traditional coaching fails
Most schools are based on the traditional coach approach. It is about helping people or taking them “from where they are to where they want to go.”
Essentially, this philosophy of coaching involves working with individuals, couples, groups, or organizations to help them clarify and focus on a goal, determine action plans and next steps and move them forward as they seemingly desire. That traditional model provides focus and organization, and does help people to achieve their goals.
However, because people and their lives are much more complicated than they appear to be, and because every aspect of their lives has an impact on the goal they say they want, the results the traditional method of coaching brings are often insignificant and short-lived.
This is because the traditional model of coaching focuses on a person's actions. When you help change someone's actions, they will get some results; but changes at this level aren't sustainable because the underlying thoughts and emotions that truly drive actions are not addressed.
Without changing core thoughts and emotions, clients will revert back to their old routines and actions.
The only way to create sustainable change and exponentially greater results is to help individuals change the way they think and feel by helping them break through their limiting thoughts and emotional responses, and replace them with supportive, empowering beliefs that get them to take powerful and consistent action.
Essentially, this philosophy of coaching involves working with individuals, couples, groups, or organizations to help them clarify and focus on a goal, determine action plans and next steps and move them forward as they seemingly desire. That traditional model provides focus and organization, and does help people to achieve their goals.
However, because people and their lives are much more complicated than they appear to be, and because every aspect of their lives has an impact on the goal they say they want, the results the traditional method of coaching brings are often insignificant and short-lived.
This is because the traditional model of coaching focuses on a person's actions. When you help change someone's actions, they will get some results; but changes at this level aren't sustainable because the underlying thoughts and emotions that truly drive actions are not addressed.
Without changing core thoughts and emotions, clients will revert back to their old routines and actions.
The only way to create sustainable change and exponentially greater results is to help individuals change the way they think and feel by helping them break through their limiting thoughts and emotional responses, and replace them with supportive, empowering beliefs that get them to take powerful and consistent action.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Set Your Machinery for Success
Did you know that our brain and nervous system cannot tell the difference between a "real" experience and one wich is vividly imagined?
It is true, like it or not. Our internal automatic creative mechanism always acts and reacts appropriately to enviroment, circumstance or situation. The only information available to it is actually what you believe to be true concerning them.
An interesting issue is that if we dwell upon misery or failure and persistently picture to ourself misery or failure in such vivid details that at some point become "real" for our system, we will experience that.
So if we want to experience success there is rather simple (but not easy) formula: evoke the feeling of success and feel success. Go inside of you and touch the feeling of winning. It really doesn't matter in which situation that happened. Bring it in your present day. Experience it today.
Hold it within you as long as possible. And when feeling passes - do it again.
When you are experiencing winning feeling, your internal machinerry is set for success.
When you feel successful and self-confident, you will act successfully.
If so, you cannot miss.
It is true, like it or not. Our internal automatic creative mechanism always acts and reacts appropriately to enviroment, circumstance or situation. The only information available to it is actually what you believe to be true concerning them.
An interesting issue is that if we dwell upon misery or failure and persistently picture to ourself misery or failure in such vivid details that at some point become "real" for our system, we will experience that.
So if we want to experience success there is rather simple (but not easy) formula: evoke the feeling of success and feel success. Go inside of you and touch the feeling of winning. It really doesn't matter in which situation that happened. Bring it in your present day. Experience it today.
Hold it within you as long as possible. And when feeling passes - do it again.
When you are experiencing winning feeling, your internal machinerry is set for success.
When you feel successful and self-confident, you will act successfully.
If so, you cannot miss.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Football World cup 2010 and Law of Attraction
While watching last match Slovenia vs England on World Cup 2010 Tournament in South Africa and especially all development around Slovenian possibilities to enter into the group of 16 best teams in the world at the moment really made me think about the Law of Attraction.
Let me do some introduction:
Before third round of tournament matches Slovenia was on the pole position in the group with 4 points. England and USA had 2 points and Algeria had 0 points. Slovenia won against Algeria and played a draw with USA. If Slovenia wanted to pass to the next round playing last match in this group with England there were few options: victory over England , remi with England or third option: loss against England but USA must not win over Algeria.
What happened was actually astonishing and like in some scary Hollywood movie scenario at first sight: Slovenia loses with England. Ok. So what, other match is a draw and that's good enough for Slovenia was at the end of this game.
But ... USA wins over Algeria ... in last minute of their match!
Since USA match started few minutes later than Slovenian match , Slovenian players didn't even left the field yet when information came that they will go home instead to the next round.
Even thou as Slovenian fan I don't like it I can accept it. All this guys are good players and by my opinion all mentioned teams deserves to compete further.
But anyway.
I argued Slovenian sport psihology team preparation many times but this time it actually fired me up.
What USA lead player Donovan did immediatelly when he scored for the first time against Slovenia in second half? (At that stage US team was 2 goals behind in this match).
He intuitivelly pointed fingers to his head with a gesture: "Everything is in our heads." (It doesn't require to be Einistein to understand what USA coach shared with players to do if they want to win this almost lost game in the half time). And guess what happened even further in minutes after that: there was no time untill USA scored for the second time. And guess what even more: they scored also the third time, but judge cancelled that. To be honest, we all do not understand why third USA goal was cancelled but this doesn't matter anymore.
On the day of big crash Slovenia vs England almost all UK media reported mr. Capello's (England coach) statement that he is not crazy when he predicted that England will pass this round. Also public simply demanded to win over Slovenia and 40.000 England supporters (over 1.000 Slovenian) at the Port Elisabeth Stadium was sure, that England will win. There was no other option.
So, how do you prepare yourself to live over such burdon of expectations? How can you live your everyday's life with expectations for yourself which are somethimes bigger than it seems possible?
You simply realise in some point of time that there are the Laws in the Universe which guides us and allows us to live in orderly managed reality.
Big question on the table is:
Why US team passed from bad position (remember: they scored in 92nd minute, 2 minutes after official game time ended) ) and England won after such pressure?
I accept that working hard has its own value and quality of the players has its own value too. Especially within England team where players are exceptional. But Slovenia won too over Russia and won also other very very hard qualification games too.
Have any of Slovenian self-proclaimed psihological experts out there responsible for sport team preparations asked themselves if there is maybe some Law who place everything into right position? I assume that they stil believe in pure luck over all of this and statements such as "Well, this is football and it happens" are normal?
USA team (beside of the knowledge, phisical preparation,...) showed also deep belief in their succes.
For them it didn't really matter if it is the first minute of the game or the last.
Coach just had to reminde them what makes difference out there.
They were simply able to see themselves win the game. Not to try to win, not to to do their best, not to work hard and hope for the best... (This is something which even I can do on that playing field!)
You must see yourself on the steps of the victory.
Why is that so?
Because that's the Law.
That's why USA passes and that's why Slovenia is excellent but goes home. To understand my pont even further ...
Ask Brasilian players how they might feel to lose agains Slovenia?
They don't feel at all. For them it is impossible.
Would be impossible for Slovenian team to win over Brasil? Average Slovenian reply goes like this: it is not impossible but ok, maybe a little harder to believe.
To understand and work with the Law is the rasor's edge between the good hardworking athlete and the master.
Accept it or reject it, it is your choice.
Law is still there for all and applies equally also for all of us.
Let me do some introduction:
Before third round of tournament matches Slovenia was on the pole position in the group with 4 points. England and USA had 2 points and Algeria had 0 points. Slovenia won against Algeria and played a draw with USA. If Slovenia wanted to pass to the next round playing last match in this group with England there were few options: victory over England , remi with England or third option: loss against England but USA must not win over Algeria.
What happened was actually astonishing and like in some scary Hollywood movie scenario at first sight: Slovenia loses with England. Ok. So what, other match is a draw and that's good enough for Slovenia was at the end of this game.
But ... USA wins over Algeria ... in last minute of their match!
Since USA match started few minutes later than Slovenian match , Slovenian players didn't even left the field yet when information came that they will go home instead to the next round.
Even thou as Slovenian fan I don't like it I can accept it. All this guys are good players and by my opinion all mentioned teams deserves to compete further.
But anyway.
I argued Slovenian sport psihology team preparation many times but this time it actually fired me up.
What USA lead player Donovan did immediatelly when he scored for the first time against Slovenia in second half? (At that stage US team was 2 goals behind in this match).
He intuitivelly pointed fingers to his head with a gesture: "Everything is in our heads." (It doesn't require to be Einistein to understand what USA coach shared with players to do if they want to win this almost lost game in the half time). And guess what happened even further in minutes after that: there was no time untill USA scored for the second time. And guess what even more: they scored also the third time, but judge cancelled that. To be honest, we all do not understand why third USA goal was cancelled but this doesn't matter anymore.
On the day of big crash Slovenia vs England almost all UK media reported mr. Capello's (England coach) statement that he is not crazy when he predicted that England will pass this round. Also public simply demanded to win over Slovenia and 40.000 England supporters (over 1.000 Slovenian) at the Port Elisabeth Stadium was sure, that England will win. There was no other option.
So, how do you prepare yourself to live over such burdon of expectations? How can you live your everyday's life with expectations for yourself which are somethimes bigger than it seems possible?
You simply realise in some point of time that there are the Laws in the Universe which guides us and allows us to live in orderly managed reality.
Big question on the table is:
Why US team passed from bad position (remember: they scored in 92nd minute, 2 minutes after official game time ended) ) and England won after such pressure?
I accept that working hard has its own value and quality of the players has its own value too. Especially within England team where players are exceptional. But Slovenia won too over Russia and won also other very very hard qualification games too.
Have any of Slovenian self-proclaimed psihological experts out there responsible for sport team preparations asked themselves if there is maybe some Law who place everything into right position? I assume that they stil believe in pure luck over all of this and statements such as "Well, this is football and it happens" are normal?
USA team (beside of the knowledge, phisical preparation,...) showed also deep belief in their succes.
For them it didn't really matter if it is the first minute of the game or the last.
Coach just had to reminde them what makes difference out there.
They were simply able to see themselves win the game. Not to try to win, not to to do their best, not to work hard and hope for the best... (This is something which even I can do on that playing field!)
You must see yourself on the steps of the victory.
Why is that so?
Because that's the Law.
That's why USA passes and that's why Slovenia is excellent but goes home. To understand my pont even further ...
Ask Brasilian players how they might feel to lose agains Slovenia?
They don't feel at all. For them it is impossible.
Would be impossible for Slovenian team to win over Brasil? Average Slovenian reply goes like this: it is not impossible but ok, maybe a little harder to believe.
To understand and work with the Law is the rasor's edge between the good hardworking athlete and the master.
Accept it or reject it, it is your choice.
Law is still there for all and applies equally also for all of us.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Artist or Craftsmen: Shrek Forever After
This sunday I took my family into the cinema. Since my elder daughter (7y) expressed a desire that she would really like to see latest Shrek movie and my younger daughter (5y) was more than thrilled about that proposal I thought this was a good idea. It was a rainy day and seemed as a perfect match.
However... after 15min of commercials at the beggining ... and when movie finally started I just laid back and start to enjoy.
But ... it was not so long that I started to ask myself what the heck is wrong with me that I bothered to come to see this movie with my kids. It turned out that two thirds of the movie was dark, evil forces were on the way, Fiona attacks Shrek with the nife, ax, somebody will revenge to someone ...etc.
Interestinglly, also two other kids in the theatre start to complain to their paretns that they do not want to watch anymore since it is "not nice". One of them even claimed very very loudly :) that the horse (riding toy) was nicer in front of the cinema so please let's go there. Hm.
As my friend Ayako, excellent pianist, says about musicians but I think it can apply for all kind of artists and "artists"in any category:
"there are two kind of artists; the artists whom understand the meaning of harmony in life and whom plays with their heart, and for a deeper meaning. These people are "coloring" with their tones. They have a fire of music inside themselves so strong so nothing can put it out, and they don´t have the urge to be the biggest "star" but sometimes it comes as a nice byproduct. Then we have the musicians, they are not artists, and doesn´t see the connection between life and music. These people doesn´t color, they don´t see the different dimensions/layers in music - like in life, and in fact everything. Sadly there´s a lot of musicians like this, and it doesn´t stop them from getting famous, and being big "stars".
And this is exactly what I felt after mentioned movie ended. I felt that some good craftmen took the idea simply to make some additional money. No added value in it, only money. Movie is done by (my opinion!) all possible "money making standards": kids, love, good-evil, transformation of main character/circumstances... and also techically movie is excellent.
But, will I remember this movie? Hm. Now I will. Unfortunatelly also my kids will.
I don't like that my masterpieces in life are remembered like this.
Do you want your masterpieces be remebered like this?
We just have to learn to see layers in life and there is for sure more than just a money layer.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Get it for free is not always best option
I always wondered if payment of fee for pe. public personal development seminars or workshops is really necessary.
My idea was that maybe this financial part of the picture can be covered by some form of sponsorship or similar to cover the costs for participants. Especially for people who are coming for pe. additional knowledge about earning money and are by definition low on financial side of the personal story. So I said to myself that I will pay close attention to see what can I learn and simply check by observation if it would be beneficial to develop a kind of "pro bono" seminars for wider community.
So, in first few months of this year I had more than 20 seminars and workshops. I invited some participants for free on purpose, send some free invitations to paying participants to bring some additional friends to workshops where they will participate as their guests etc.
Interestingly I found that "free lunch" is really not so interesting point. Contrary to my expectations it turned out that interest to get as much as possible from the workshop is significatly lower by those who came for free (as guests or just companions) as to those who payed to participate.
It proved that point is actually closely related to one's decision and his/her perception of the value of the seminar/workshop which it will be attented.
You can say "what's new here ?" but conclusion is actually interesting: best outcome participants will get if they pay for seminar/workshop from their own pockets. Drop in overall interest of particular participants is also noted in cases where pe. company (or institution) pays for the group pe. five participants.
So, my logical advice is: do not do seminars/workshops etc.on personal development issues for free. And it also applies the same if you are participant - do not take the subject easier just because it was for free. If you are doing seminars, do your best on your topic but you must charge something if you want best for your participants. It might not sounds as popular as it might be but if your intention is genuine, at least think about this seriously.
All comments are more than welcome.
My idea was that maybe this financial part of the picture can be covered by some form of sponsorship or similar to cover the costs for participants. Especially for people who are coming for pe. additional knowledge about earning money and are by definition low on financial side of the personal story. So I said to myself that I will pay close attention to see what can I learn and simply check by observation if it would be beneficial to develop a kind of "pro bono" seminars for wider community.
So, in first few months of this year I had more than 20 seminars and workshops. I invited some participants for free on purpose, send some free invitations to paying participants to bring some additional friends to workshops where they will participate as their guests etc.
Interestingly I found that "free lunch" is really not so interesting point. Contrary to my expectations it turned out that interest to get as much as possible from the workshop is significatly lower by those who came for free (as guests or just companions) as to those who payed to participate.
It proved that point is actually closely related to one's decision and his/her perception of the value of the seminar/workshop which it will be attented.
You can say "what's new here ?" but conclusion is actually interesting: best outcome participants will get if they pay for seminar/workshop from their own pockets. Drop in overall interest of particular participants is also noted in cases where pe. company (or institution) pays for the group pe. five participants.
So, my logical advice is: do not do seminars/workshops etc.on personal development issues for free. And it also applies the same if you are participant - do not take the subject easier just because it was for free. If you are doing seminars, do your best on your topic but you must charge something if you want best for your participants. It might not sounds as popular as it might be but if your intention is genuine, at least think about this seriously.
All comments are more than welcome.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Why THE masters are almost always old?
We are simply used to believe elder people because we developed a habit to believe elder people more than to believe younger people.
Our mind-brain-body system is naturally programed to develop a habit as soon as possible out of any activitiy which re-occurs. It is the way to simplify our existence. The way how various operations can be safely released out of the direct control and the scale of dispersion of our attention succesfully minimized. In order to be able to focus on unknown situations where most danger or joy can be met.
Goal is clear: to be focused where your attention is needed the most.
Our parents, kindergarten teacher, school teachers, university profesors, bosses... ussualy are older than we are. At least at the beggining.
And I believe it is ok - in general.
But somethimes also masters are coming disguised as a common regular people triing to tell you that you are also THE Master of your life.
Do you believe them???
Ussually NO. You are simply too young to be THE Master.
Are you really too young ??? :)
Will Smith explains a lot. Do you believe him even that he is so young?
Our mind-brain-body system is naturally programed to develop a habit as soon as possible out of any activitiy which re-occurs. It is the way to simplify our existence. The way how various operations can be safely released out of the direct control and the scale of dispersion of our attention succesfully minimized. In order to be able to focus on unknown situations where most danger or joy can be met.
Goal is clear: to be focused where your attention is needed the most.
Our parents, kindergarten teacher, school teachers, university profesors, bosses... ussualy are older than we are. At least at the beggining.
And I believe it is ok - in general.
But somethimes also masters are coming disguised as a common regular people triing to tell you that you are also THE Master of your life.
Do you believe them???
Ussually NO. You are simply too young to be THE Master.
Are you really too young ??? :)
Will Smith explains a lot. Do you believe him even that he is so young?
Monday, June 14, 2010
There is nobody out there able to stop me
When can you be assured that your project will be a success ?
Act which you are planning to perform (pe. new business project, new job position, marriage, visit to your aunt after 10 years), must be felt inside you first.
If you are not feeling it, there is no proper meaning in it. And also there is a high probability that the whole thing will go ... where you even do not want to mention.
You have to understand that I am talking about the step out -BEFORE- you are aligned with the energy out there.
So, what can you do?
Don't do anything untill you are NOT able anymore to do nothing on this. And than, only than, do it.
And when you do it, when you actually cannot resist anymore to do nothing, you actually fill emptiness.
(And an idea explodes within you, you can feel the energy).
And what can you proudly say to yourself?
Believe me, your sucess is guaranted!
Act which you are planning to perform (pe. new business project, new job position, marriage, visit to your aunt after 10 years), must be felt inside you first.
If you are not feeling it, there is no proper meaning in it. And also there is a high probability that the whole thing will go ... where you even do not want to mention.
You have to understand that I am talking about the step out -BEFORE- you are aligned with the energy out there.
So, what can you do?
Don't do anything untill you are NOT able anymore to do nothing on this. And than, only than, do it.
And when you do it, when you actually cannot resist anymore to do nothing, you actually fill emptiness.
(And an idea explodes within you, you can feel the energy).
And what can you proudly say to yourself?
Believe me, your sucess is guaranted!
If you want to have a shift in your position (job, business...) to get more money, more business, more customers etc., you must CREATE MORE VALUE.
Why this is so important?
If you do your job just enough to get paid, you just get money in exchange of your hours spent at your work. You become a part of the circle "as long as needed".
In today's world this is not enough anymore if you want to prosper and have also some fun with it.
Let us make an example:
On your way to your office you stop in a coffee shop, order a cup of coffee, you pay, you get your coffee and that's it. Guy serving this cofee seems a little bored but cofee is good, price is ok, enviroment is ok and you get what you have paid for. Fair enough.
However, someday along the the way to your office you stop in a cofee shop few blocks further and there is a guy who actually enjoys preparing coffee for you, give's you also a smile, nice chat ... and suddenly there is whole new story on the way.
This new guy actually made a step from being good coffee-shop-employee to being excellent.
And guess what: he is also making money and he is having also fun. People actually like him.
This doesn't mean that his coffee is more expensive than others. No.
It is a question of so called "user's experience."
Price and value are not necessarily the same thing.
Actually they rarely are.
Why this is so important?
If you do your job just enough to get paid, you just get money in exchange of your hours spent at your work. You become a part of the circle "as long as needed".
In today's world this is not enough anymore if you want to prosper and have also some fun with it.
Let us make an example:
On your way to your office you stop in a coffee shop, order a cup of coffee, you pay, you get your coffee and that's it. Guy serving this cofee seems a little bored but cofee is good, price is ok, enviroment is ok and you get what you have paid for. Fair enough.
However, someday along the the way to your office you stop in a cofee shop few blocks further and there is a guy who actually enjoys preparing coffee for you, give's you also a smile, nice chat ... and suddenly there is whole new story on the way.
This new guy actually made a step from being good coffee-shop-employee to being excellent.
And guess what: he is also making money and he is having also fun. People actually like him.
This doesn't mean that his coffee is more expensive than others. No.
It is a question of so called "user's experience."
Price and value are not necessarily the same thing.
Actually they rarely are.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Dissatisfaction with life is a healthy creative state of mind.
Dissatisfaction with life brought us cars, trains and airplanes. Got us out of the caves and got us into our modern homes. We would probably still be lighting the candles if Thomas Edison wouldn't feel healthy dissatisfaction with the candle itself. Fax is a simple dissatisfaction with the impossibility of communication between blind people, a mobile phone - this is not heavy, isn't it :-).
In fact, each and every invention that has ever improved our lives and allowed us greater comfort is result of someones deep dissatisfied with life.
When you become dissatisfied enough with your current life, you start thinking about ways to enhance it - to decide on some kind of goal.
Think about how do you live, what you do.
Persistently think and be sure - dissatisfaction will direct you to your purpose.
That's the way it is.
Dissatisfaction with life brought us cars, trains and airplanes. Got us out of the caves and got us into our modern homes. We would probably still be lighting the candles if Thomas Edison wouldn't feel healthy dissatisfaction with the candle itself. Fax is a simple dissatisfaction with the impossibility of communication between blind people, a mobile phone - this is not heavy, isn't it :-).
In fact, each and every invention that has ever improved our lives and allowed us greater comfort is result of someones deep dissatisfied with life.
When you become dissatisfied enough with your current life, you start thinking about ways to enhance it - to decide on some kind of goal.
Think about how do you live, what you do.
Persistently think and be sure - dissatisfaction will direct you to your purpose.
That's the way it is.
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