Institute for Advanced Studies Delta (IASD)

The Institute for Advance Studies Delta (IASD), Ljubljana (Slovenia) is one of the global centers for research and practical use of human potential.

IASD exists to educate, encourage and support fundamental research from wider spectrum of human life - to encourage original, often speculative and challenging thinking that produces advancement in human knowledge that change and upgrade the way we humans understand the world, who we are and connection in between.

IASD represents consisting part of a global platform for human advancement to higher awareness.
Close relations with similar institutions around the globe, hostings and professional exchanges of renowed experts and commited cooperation with formal educational system positions the Institute as an important place on
educational field of modern man.

Our educational and other programs are as follows:
- Programs for our youngest
- Family programs and retreats
- Complementary programs for Educational organizations
- Programs for Adults
- Educational upgrading for Teachers and Coaches
- Mentorships
- International Conferences, Symposiums,...
- Other