--- posted with permission, see below
October 17-24, 2010
Beloved Lightworkers,
There has been a great many physical symptoms occurring within you this past week as you each adjust your fields to the higher energies. You will find yourselves experiencing great tiredness from the assimilation of these energies and this week is the time to rest as much as you can. Your physical bodies are experiencing many changes and giving your body rest when it requires rest will help greatly to bring you back to comfort.
You are finding or will find, subtle or not so subtle changes, in the way people around you act towards you. It will seem as though they are seeing you for the first time in a long time. This is because the energy that you have been grounding into the Earth through your physical bodies has now expanded in a greater radius around you and it is affecting and increasing the Light quotient in the atmosphere of Earth and subsequently effecting a positive change in the people of the Earth.
Your loved ones will pour their attention upon you in an effort to connect and show you in many different, wonderful ways that you are important to them. What you will be seeing, Dear Ones, is good karma returning to you and it will no longer hold true that the “good girls and guys finish last”, for your past efforts will now begin to bear fruit in whatever way most pleases and fulfills you and brings you the greatest joy.
Feel the joy as it wells up within you and try to remember this emotion so that you can bring it up at will and use it to keep yourselves in this state as frequently as possible. The feeling of joy automatically increases your Light quotient and frequency level and this will help you in your anchoring of your Higher Self for a greater and more conscious connection. This is the next level now and it will be uncomfortable for quite some time as adjustments and attunements are made for greater integration. Remember to ask each day for assistance in integrating your Higher Self energies with grace, ease, comfort and safety and your Angelic teams will work unceasingly to help you to do this.
If you are finding yourselves with seemingly overwhelming symptoms, always remember to ask for assistance from your Angelic team and then lie down until it passes. Your bodies are going through tremendous changes and following the promptings of your bodies will be very helpful at this time. Listen closely and eat when you feel hungry rather than when it is your established routine to do so and make it a strong point to drink plenty of good, clean water throughout the day. We are noticing that so many of you get so busy that you forget this most important ingredient in your Ascension process right now. Water is a conductor of these energies and will facilitate the integration more quickly and in a more comfortable way.
Above all, trust in this process and that what you are experiencing in the situations in your lives are all for a higher purpose and even though you cannot see that purpose now, it will be very clear to you in retrospect. Become aware of each moment of now, for this is the way to your Mastery. Follow your heart’s promptings in whatever way it leads you even if it seems strange and lacking in common sense. Your heart knows what is necessary for greater progress in your expansion of Self. Practice focusing on your high heart chakra several times a day until you can feel it pulsating with energy.
Keep on keeping on, Beloved Ones, there is much change on the road ahead and you are cutting the path for others to follow. Remember that you never walk alone, that we of the Ascended realms and the Angelic realms walk ever beside you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
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