While watching last match Slovenia vs England on World Cup 2010 Tournament in South Africa and especially all development around Slovenian possibilities to enter into the group of 16 best teams in the world at the moment really made me think about the Law of Attraction.
Let me do some introduction:
Before third round of tournament matches Slovenia was on the pole position in the group with 4 points. England and USA had 2 points and Algeria had 0 points. Slovenia won against Algeria and played a draw with USA. If Slovenia wanted to pass to the next round playing last match in this group with England there were few options: victory over England , remi with England or third option: loss against England but USA must not win over Algeria.
What happened was actually astonishing and like in some scary Hollywood movie scenario at first sight: Slovenia loses with England. Ok. So what, other match is a draw and that's good enough for Slovenia was at the end of this game.
But ... USA wins over Algeria ... in last minute of their match!
Since USA match started few minutes later than Slovenian match , Slovenian players didn't even left the field yet when information came that they will go home instead to the next round.
Even thou as Slovenian fan I don't like it I can accept it. All this guys are good players and by my opinion all mentioned teams deserves to compete further.
But anyway.
I argued Slovenian sport psihology team preparation many times but this time it actually fired me up.
What USA lead player Donovan did immediatelly when he scored for the first time against Slovenia in second half? (At that stage US team was 2 goals behind in this match).
He intuitivelly pointed fingers to his head with a gesture: "Everything is in our heads." (It doesn't require to be Einistein to understand what USA coach shared with players to do if they want to win this almost lost game in the half time). And guess what happened even further in minutes after that: there was no time untill USA scored for the second time. And guess what even more: they scored also the third time, but judge cancelled that. To be honest, we all do not understand why third USA goal was cancelled but this doesn't matter anymore.
On the day of big crash Slovenia vs England almost all UK media reported mr. Capello's (England coach) statement that he is not crazy when he predicted that England will pass this round. Also public simply demanded to win over Slovenia and 40.000 England supporters (over 1.000 Slovenian) at the Port Elisabeth Stadium was sure, that England will win. There was no other option.
So, how do you prepare yourself to live over such burdon of expectations? How can you live your everyday's life with expectations for yourself which are somethimes bigger than it seems possible?
You simply realise in some point of time that there are the Laws in the Universe which guides us and allows us to live in orderly managed reality.
Big question on the table is:
Why US team passed from bad position (remember: they scored in 92nd minute, 2 minutes after official game time ended) ) and England won after such pressure?
I accept that working hard has its own value and quality of the players has its own value too. Especially within England team where players are exceptional. But Slovenia won too over Russia and won also other very very hard qualification games too.
Have any of Slovenian self-proclaimed psihological experts out there responsible for sport team preparations asked themselves if there is maybe some Law who place everything into right position? I assume that they stil believe in pure luck over all of this and statements such as "Well, this is football and it happens" are normal?
USA team (beside of the knowledge, phisical preparation,...) showed also deep belief in their succes.
For them it didn't really matter if it is the first minute of the game or the last.
Coach just had to reminde them what makes difference out there.
They were simply able to see themselves win the game. Not to try to win, not to to do their best, not to work hard and hope for the best... (This is something which even I can do on that playing field!)
You must see yourself on the steps of the victory.
Why is that so?
Because that's the Law.
That's why USA passes and that's why Slovenia is excellent but goes home. To understand my pont even further ...
Ask Brasilian players how they might feel to lose agains Slovenia?
They don't feel at all. For them it is impossible.
Would be impossible for Slovenian team to win over Brasil? Average Slovenian reply goes like this: it is not impossible but ok, maybe a little harder to believe.
To understand and work with the Law is the rasor's edge between the good hardworking athlete and the master.
Accept it or reject it, it is your choice.
Law is still there for all and applies equally also for all of us.
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