Monday, June 28, 2010

Set Your Machinery for Success

 Did you know that our brain and nervous system cannot tell the difference between a "real" experience and one wich is vividly imagined?

 It is true, like it or not. Our internal automatic creative mechanism always acts and reacts appropriately to enviroment, circumstance or situation. The only information available to it is actually what you believe to be true concerning them.

 An interesting issue is that if we dwell upon misery or failure and persistently picture to ourself misery or failure in such vivid details that at some point become "real" for our system, we will experience that.

 So if we want to experience success there is rather simple (but not easy) formula: evoke the feeling of success and feel success. Go inside of you and touch the feeling of winning. It really doesn't matter in which situation that happened. Bring it in your present day. Experience it today.
Hold it within you as long as possible. And when feeling passes - do it again.

When you are experiencing winning feeling, your internal machinerry is set for success.

When you feel successful and self-confident, you will act successfully.

If so, you cannot miss.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Football World cup 2010 and Law of Attraction

While watching last match Slovenia vs England on World Cup 2010 Tournament in South Africa and especially all development around Slovenian possibilities to enter into the group of 16 best teams in the world at the moment really made me think about the Law of Attraction.

Let me do some introduction:
Before third round of tournament matches Slovenia was on the pole position in the group with 4 points. England and USA had 2 points and Algeria had 0 points. Slovenia won against Algeria and played a draw with USA. If Slovenia wanted to pass to the next round playing last match in this group with England there were few options: victory over England , remi with England or third option: loss against England but USA must not win over Algeria.

What happened was actually astonishing and like in some scary Hollywood movie scenario at first sight: Slovenia loses with England. Ok. So what, other match is a draw and that's good enough for Slovenia was at the end of this game.

But ...  USA wins over Algeria ... in last minute of their match!

Since USA match started few minutes later than Slovenian match , Slovenian players didn't even left the field yet when information came that they will go home instead to the next round.

Even thou as Slovenian fan I don't like it I can accept it. All this guys are good players and by my opinion all mentioned teams deserves to compete further.

But anyway.
I argued Slovenian sport psihology team preparation many times but this time it actually fired me up.

What USA lead player Donovan did immediatelly when he scored for the first time against Slovenia in second half? (At that stage US team was 2 goals behind in this match).
He intuitivelly pointed fingers to his head with a gesture: "Everything is in our heads." (It doesn't require to be Einistein to understand what USA coach shared with players to do if they want to win this almost lost game in the half time).  And guess what happened even further in minutes after that: there was no time untill USA scored for the second time. And guess what even more: they scored also the third time, but judge cancelled that. To be honest, we all do not understand why third USA goal was cancelled but this doesn't matter anymore.

On the day of big crash Slovenia vs England almost all UK media reported mr. Capello's (England coach) statement that he is not crazy when he predicted that England will pass this round. Also public simply demanded to win over Slovenia and 40.000 England supporters (over 1.000 Slovenian) at the Port Elisabeth Stadium was sure, that England will win. There was no other option.

So, how do you prepare yourself to live over such burdon of expectations? How can you live your everyday's life with expectations for yourself which are somethimes bigger than it seems possible?

You simply realise in some point of time that there are the Laws in the Universe which guides us and allows us to live in orderly managed reality.

Big question on the table is:
Why US team passed from bad position (remember: they scored in 92nd minute, 2 minutes after official game time ended) ) and England won after such pressure?

I accept that working hard has its own value and quality of the players has its own value too. Especially within England team where players are exceptional. But Slovenia won too over Russia and won also other very very hard qualification games too.   

Have any of Slovenian self-proclaimed psihological experts out there responsible for sport team preparations asked themselves if there is maybe some Law who place everything into right position? I assume that they stil believe in pure luck over all of this and statements such as "Well, this is football and it happens" are normal?

USA team (beside of the knowledge, phisical preparation,...) showed also deep belief in their succes.
For them it didn't really matter if it is the first minute of the game or the last.
Coach just had to reminde them what makes difference out there.

They were simply able to see themselves win the game. Not to try to win, not to to do their best, not to work hard and hope for the best... (This is something which even I can do on that playing field!)

You must see yourself on the steps of the victory.

Why is that so?

Because that's the Law.

That's why USA passes and that's why Slovenia is excellent but goes home. To understand my pont even further ...

Ask Brasilian players how they might feel to lose agains Slovenia?
They don't feel at all. For them it is impossible.
Would be impossible for Slovenian team to win over Brasil? Average Slovenian reply goes like this: it is not impossible but ok, maybe a little harder to believe.

To understand and work with the Law is the rasor's edge between the good hardworking athlete and the master.

Accept it or reject it, it is your choice.

Law is still there for all and applies equally also for all of us.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Artist or Craftsmen: Shrek Forever After

  This sunday I took my family into the cinema. Since my elder daughter (7y) expressed a desire that she would really like to see latest Shrek movie and my younger daughter (5y) was more than thrilled about that proposal I thought this was a good idea. It was a rainy day and seemed as a perfect match.
  However... after 15min of commercials at the beggining ... and when movie finally started I just laid back and start to enjoy. 
But ... it was not so long that I started to ask myself what the heck is wrong with me that I bothered to come to see this movie with my kids. It turned out that two thirds of the movie was dark, evil forces were on the way, Fiona attacks Shrek with the nife, ax, somebody will revenge to someone ...etc. 
Interestinglly, also two other kids in the theatre start to complain to their paretns that they do not want to watch anymore since it is "not nice". One of them even claimed very very loudly :) that the horse (riding toy) was nicer in front of the cinema so please let's go there. Hm.
Ok. So, just skip the movie you say. And, of course, you are right.  

 As my friend Ayako, excellent pianist, says about musicians but I think it can apply for all kind of artists and "artists"in any category:
 "there are two kind of artists; the artists whom understand the meaning of harmony in life and whom plays with their heart, and for a deeper meaning. These people are "coloring" with their tones. They have a fire of music inside themselves so strong so nothing can put it out, and they don´t have the urge to be the biggest "star" but sometimes it comes as a nice byproduct. Then we have the musicians, they are not artists, and doesn´t see the connection between life and music. These people doesn´t color, they don´t see the different dimensions/layers in music - like in life, and in fact everything. Sadly there´s a lot of musicians like this, and it doesn´t stop them from getting famous, and being big "stars".

And this is exactly what I felt after mentioned movie ended. I felt that some good craftmen took the idea simply to make some additional money. No added value in it, only money. Movie is done by (my opinion!) all possible "money making standards": kids, love, good-evil, transformation of main character/circumstances... and also techically movie is excellent.  

But, will I remember this movie? Hm. Now I will. Unfortunatelly also my kids will.

I don't like that my masterpieces in life are remembered like this.

Do you want your masterpieces be remebered like this?

We just have to learn to see layers in life and there is for sure more than just a money layer.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Get it for free is not always best option

I always wondered if payment of fee for pe. public personal development seminars or workshops is really necessary.

My idea was that maybe this financial part of the picture can be covered by some form of sponsorship or similar to cover the costs for participants. Especially for people who are coming for pe. additional knowledge about earning money and are by definition low on financial side of the personal story.   So I said to myself that I will pay close attention to see what can I learn and simply check by observation if it would be beneficial to develop a kind of "pro bono" seminars for wider community.

So, in first few months of this year I had more than 20 seminars and workshops. I invited some participants for free on purpose, send some free invitations to paying participants to bring some additional friends to workshops where they will participate as their guests etc.

Interestingly I found that "free lunch" is really not so interesting point. Contrary to my expectations it turned out that interest to get as much as possible from the workshop is significatly lower by those who came for free (as guests or just companions) as to those who payed to participate.
It proved that point is actually closely related to one's decision and his/her perception of the value of the seminar/workshop which it will be attented.

You can say "what's new here ?" but conclusion is actually interesting: best outcome participants will get if they pay for seminar/workshop from their own pockets. Drop in overall interest of particular participants is also noted in cases where pe. company (or institution) pays for the group pe. five participants.

So, my logical advice is:  do not do seminars/workshops etc.on personal development issues for free. And it also applies the same if you are participant - do not take the subject easier just because it was for free. If you are doing seminars, do your best on your topic but you must charge something if you want best for your participants.  It might not sounds as popular as it might be but if your intention is genuine, at least think about this seriously.

All comments are more than welcome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why THE masters are almost always old?

 We are simply used to believe elder people because we developed a habit to believe elder people more than to believe younger people.

Our mind-brain-body system is naturally programed to develop a habit as soon as possible out of any activitiy which re-occurs. It is the way to simplify our existence. The way how various operations can be safely released out of the direct control and the scale of dispersion of our attention succesfully minimized. In order to be able to focus on unknown situations where most danger or joy can be met.
Goal is clear: to be focused where your attention is needed the most.

Our parents, kindergarten teacher, school teachers, university profesors, bosses... ussualy are older than we are. At least at the beggining.

And I believe it is ok - in general.

But somethimes also masters are coming disguised as a common regular people triing to tell you that you are also THE Master of your life.

Do you believe them???

Ussually NO. You are simply too young to be THE Master.

Are you really too young ???  :)

Will Smith explains a lot. Do you believe him even that he is so young?

Monday, June 14, 2010

There is nobody out there able to stop me

When can you be assured that your project will be a success ?

Act which you are planning to perform (pe. new business project, new job position, marriage, visit to your aunt after 10 years), must be felt inside you first.

If you are not feeling it, there is no proper meaning in it. And also there is a high probability that the whole thing will go ... where you even do not want to mention.

You have to understand that I am talking about the step out -BEFORE- you are aligned with the energy out there.

So, what can you do?

Don't do anything untill you are NOT able anymore to do nothing on this. And than, only than, do it.
And when you do it, when you actually cannot resist anymore to do nothing, you actually fill emptiness.
(And an idea explodes within you, you can feel the energy).

And what can you proudly say to yourself?


Believe me, your sucess is guaranted!


If you want to have a shift in your position (job, business...) to get more money, more business, more customers etc., you must CREATE MORE VALUE.

Why this is so important?

If you do your job just enough to get paid, you just get money in exchange of your hours spent at your work. You become a part of the circle "as long as needed".

In today's world this is not enough anymore if you want to prosper and have also some fun with it.

Let us make an example:
On your way to your office you stop in a coffee shop, order a cup of coffee, you pay, you get your coffee and that's it. Guy serving this cofee seems a little bored but cofee is good, price is ok, enviroment is ok and you get what you have paid for. Fair enough.

However, someday along the the way to your office you stop in a cofee shop few blocks further and there is a guy who actually enjoys preparing coffee for you, give's you also a smile, nice chat  ... and suddenly there is whole new story on the way.

This new guy actually made a step from being good coffee-shop-employee to being excellent.
And guess what: he is also making money and he is having also fun. People actually like him.

This doesn't mean that his coffee is more expensive than others. No.

It is a question of so called "user's experience."

Price and value are not necessarily the same thing.
Actually they rarely are.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Dissatisfaction with life is a healthy creative state of mind.

Dissatisfaction with life brought us cars, trains and airplanes. Got us out of the caves and got us into our modern homes. We would probably still be lighting the candles if Thomas Edison wouldn't feel healthy dissatisfaction with the candle itself. Fax is a simple dissatisfaction with the impossibility of communication between blind people, a mobile phone - this is not heavy, isn't it :-).

In fact, each and every invention that has ever improved our lives and allowed us greater comfort is result of someones deep dissatisfied with life.

When you become dissatisfied enough with your current life, you start thinking about ways to enhance it - to decide on some kind of goal.

Think about how do you live, what you do.

Persistently think and be sure - dissatisfaction will direct you to your purpose.

That's the way it is.