Friday, May 6, 2011

Oneness Speaks

Message from the  One and Only
 Jerusalem, May 1, 2011

Important: During 15 days of very intricate and intense Higher Work upon the Temple Mount and other very special energy points in the Holy city of The One-and-Only: Jerusalem, Gerald O'Donnell received on May 1, 2011 a critical direct Message from the Oneness. The One-and-Only needs His message to be spread across all of this Creation. He hopes that you realize that it is your solemn Loving duty to do so and expects you to send it to as many entities as you possibly can.  Please spread and post this as wide as you possibly can. Time is very short and the stakes are great. You must get involved. More will be explained in the weeks and months to come.

Direct Message from the One-and-Only addressed to Mankind.
Jerusalem May 1, 2011. 
This is a message from the One.
It has been acknowledged in the realms who took care of Creation that this Dream has gone outside its preset rules and boundaries for quite a while.
Much suffering could have been forsaken had man understood its role upon Creation.
No one wishes ill upon the children of the IS.
Nevertheless, the way by which they have chosen to act must be changed, totally so, so that this realm could be given a chance to continue.
Great sadness beseeches the One as He recognizes the iniquities and distortions which man forces upon his family.
In the desire to affect His Creation, The One needs to bring about the rapidly evolving set of Higher rules and operations.
Were it not to be established, this realm will be erased permanently from the totality of The Mind.
Nothing can nor will stop the desires of the One and Only Life there IS.
To think otherwise is pure folly and will be proven so.
Soon man will be meeting his Maker while remaining in a biological form and will not be doubting anymore that The One Himself is permanently Present in and outside of mankind.
When this happens, the end to this page which we have helped write in the book of Life will occur and we will all together enter into a new era where man will be seen as a Child of God and be cherished as such.
There shall be peace: The Peace of God.
There shall be freedom: The Freedom of the Oneness.
There shall be purity, joy, and a lack of concerns, because The One and Only will reign and connect to all.
There is no reason to doubt this anymore.
Much of what man encounters happens in this world now as the One wishes it to be.
To deny it, is to deny the very essence of Creation.
The Godliness is asking His children to finally unite before events are made to occur that will very painfully force such action upon the ones who will be made to remain and rebuild.
The One and Only needs to allow for His word to spread.
He has known before of the difficulty He would encounter as He tries to bring His Creations to a greater sense of what the One has Dreamed for them which is but full unity and co-action.
Nothing will prevent His bringing such a state about.
He is warning mankind not to divide again His point of contact to this Plane which is located in His city: The City of One: Yeru-Shalem.
Were this advise not be heeded, man will encounter the fury of Oneness unleashed upon his reality.
Nothing will change this decision.
Great imbalances and fractures have occurred in the fabric of this and many more Creations causing great sorrow and painful damage to the perfection with which nature operates.
Such a state is not going to continue as The Only True Reality finally shows Itself.
Denying that God wants to preserve His Creation is to deny God.
All entities who wish to do so will be erased from His Mind.
Know that The One Loves you more than you could ever love yourself for He Created you and seeded your being.
Understand that He needs now to intervene directly to preserve all of you and all of His Creation.
Be strong.
Have faith in the Oneness, and Oneness shall reward you.
Do not ever fall into the trap of despair.
Know that your Creator is within you and with you.
These are the times which have been foretold for eons - the time when God will embrace all of Creation into His bosom. Nothing can change that.
Many of you have recently risen preaching violence against your fellow man, often in the name of distorted beliefs and false gods.
The One and Only has watched the uncontrolled suffering which has been caused by the use of force and violence, often portrayed as inspired by Him.
He will not ever allow such acts to continue to be present in His new world to come.
The ones who are still embracing hatred towards their fellow men and groupings thereof will have to face The One and Only.
They all will be erased, and not even be remembered,
Soon only loving entities will exist.
Be in PEACE.
This is ALL.

Gerald O'Donnell 
Academy of Remote Viewing and remote Influencing

Monday, May 2, 2011

How do we program our kids?

You do not need to understand narator's language. You just have to watch and think about it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Message from Bob Proctor (1/4)

Bob Proctor says:

" This October marks 50 years that I have been studying information that has taken me from pumping gas in a service center to the Chairman of LifeSuccess Productions, a company that operates in over 100 different countries.

In a recent company planning session it was decided that I would write three or four of the Friday stories to celebrate my 50 years of personal growth and to share with you some of the thinking and actions we were involved in to build this company. Hopefully you will benefit from our experiences.

In the fall of 1961, I was sitting in a fire hall in East York, Ontario. That's a suburb of Toronto in Canada. Prior to becoming a member of the Fire Department I was pumping gas in a service station for a dollar an hour six days a week. It was mostly hard, dirty work. One week of the month I had to work Sunday, that meant 7 days a week. In other words, I got 3 days a month off. I was working 48 hours a week for $48.

When I became a member of the fire department my income immediately went to $100 a week, and I only had to work 7 days and 7 nights a month. Half the month I was not working at all. So I did what a lot of the other fellows in the department did . I played a lot of golf and did a lot of nothing.

Then I was introduced to Napoleon Hill's classic, Think and Grow Rich, and although I didn't know it at the time, my life was about to go through an enormous transformation. I was 26 years old and up to that point, I had never in my entire life set a goal, a definite target to work toward. In looking back I don't suppose that any of the people I worked with were goal oriented either. We were all a product of our environment. The way I look at it now, we were doing as little as possible, just trying to get by. As Earl Nightingale put it . we were tiptoeing through life hoping we'd make it safely to death.

It was 1961 and I set a goal of having $25,000 in my possession by New Years day 1970. I gave myself a decade to do it. I did what the book said. I wrote the goal on a card and carried it in my pocket and that little card did what it was supposed to do. Every time I touched it, it caused me to think about having $25,000. I didn't even know anyone with $25,000 and furthermore I did not believe it would happen, but, I did start to think of earning money, and I later realized that was a key factor in my transformation.

One day I heard someone say there was good money cleaning floors. I thought, I'm not proud. I'll clean floors. I have lots of free time. I had an opportunity to buy a used floor machine with some buckets and mops for $980. That was an absolute fortune to me. It represented 2 months income. I was already in debt with little hope of getting out of debt. Nevertheless I found the money to buy that machine and started to work. The big change here was that I was working for myself. I had my own business.

All kinds of good things started to happen. I came across contracts to clean offices. A year later I was earning $175,000 a year, and I was still on the fire department. I was afraid to quit. No one had quit that department since 1934 and they never fired anyone.

In less than 5 years I was cleaning offices in 7 different cities and 3 different countries - Canada, the United States and England. My life was changing so fast, and I had no understanding of what was really happening. I have since found out that when tremendous change is taking place in a person's life, they rarely understand the mental process that is taking place. Nor do they understand how or why they are dealing with the tremendous resistance that they are encountering at every turn of the road.

I did reach a point where I had to quit working at the fire department, and it was an extremely difficult thing to do for two reasons.

ONE. I had been programmed to think of security. I honestly believed there was security in that job. Most government employees believe they have security in their job. As I look back I see how false that security was. I have learned that security is an inside thing. If you haven't got it there, you haven't got it. Real security comes from understanding who you are, understanding your true potential.

TWO. The tremendous resistance from friends and family and other people in the fire department, it seemed everyone was attempting to talk me out of quitting. In that particular circle of society I was a part of, you didn't quit a job like this. However in the face of all that resistance, I left. When the people who knew me found out I was leaving to clean offices, they really thought I was crazy.

Here I am winning in a very big way, with absolutely no understanding of WHY I was winning. Oh I could have said it was because I was working hard, reading the books, listening to Earl Nightingale's recordings. But I knew others that were doing that and they weren't winning.

Certain truths started to surface in my mind. I was raised to believe that if you're going to earn a lot of money you have to be really smart. I was earning a lot of money and I knew I wasn't very smart. If a person's going to be successful in business I had been raised to believe they'd have to have a good formal education. I was enjoying a respectable amount of success in business and I had no formal education. This caused me to start questioning my beliefs, all of them. Where did these beliefs come from? Why did I believe what I believed? I started to realize how my belief system was controlling my life. I was winning in a number of areas because I was going against a number of beliefs, and in doing so I was literally developing a new belief system.

It was at this point that I developed an enormous desire to find out why I was winning. And I couldn't find anybody that could tell me. In fact most of the people I talked to were every bit as surprised as I was that I was winning. Although I didn't know it at the time, wanting the answer to that question sent me on a journey that I don't believe I'll ever finish.

I have since come to the conclusion that most people that are highly successful in anything are not able to tell you why. Think about it, if a person is a high producer in a company and the company knew why they were high producers they'd package it and give it to everyone.

The truth is that most successful people really don't understand why they're successful. If you ask them they'll say because I do this or I do that, but you'll find other people that do the same things and they're not successful. They'll read the same books and go to the same seminars and nothing happens. These successful people would be classified as unconscious competents.

I wasn't satisfied with winning. I had to know why. Searching for that answer has taken me to very interesting places. It's helped me to develop meaningful relationships with truly interesting and brilliant people. It took me 9 years to put the puzzle together, and I never found all the answers in one place. It was like the pieces of the puzzle were a part of a scavenger hunt. I had to find them and then I had to put them together. And although today I'd quickly admit I don't have all the answers, I have a lot of them, and I am so grateful to all the wonderful individuals that have helped me figure this out. LifeSuccess programs teach this information.

Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant, the founders of the Nightingale-Conant Corporation played a very important role in my life. I was listening to Earl's recording of a condensed narration of Think and Grow Rich and also his Strangest Secret recording. I would listen to them every day. This led me to set up a meeting with Earl Nightingale. I was fortunate enough to get an hour of his time. I flew to Chicago for that meeting. It was a meeting that changed my life. I decided when I left there that I was going to sell my business and go back and work with them. I saw that company as a reservoir of some of the most important information in the world, information that was not being taught in school anywhere.

I was to find out that the only way I could work with them was to invest in a distributorship with the Nightingale-Conant Corporation to sell and teach their material, which is what I did. It was while I worked there that I met some of the greatest educators in the world, and I was able to put my puzzle together. I purchased the distributorship and started my own business. I became very successful, and I was ultimately invited into the office in Chicago to work there.

I stayed there for five years. The company was big enough that it had different departments but it was small enough that if you wanted something done you had to go into that department and help them do it. I loved that because I was learning. You see this industry that I'm a part of is a relatively new industry. Self help and personal development as we know it is only 50 to 60 years old. Compare that to the real estate or the insurance or the banking industry and this industry would seem like a baby. I was a part of it, and I loved it. I loved watching the change that took place in a person's face, in their eyes, when they started to realize that they could truly live their dreams.

In 1973 I set out on my own. I sat in a little den on Maplewood Lane in Glenview, Illinois, and I built a vision of having a company that operated all over the world. LifeSuccess Productions is the manifestation of that image. We coach people from virtually every continent in a 13-month coaching program, teaching them how to set and achieve goals that they previously would only have classified as a dream. We built a consultant company that operates in over 90 countries today. We train entrepreneurs to teach our material to individuals and corporations.

Next Friday I will pick up where I am leaving off here and tell you how LifeSuccess Productions has become a leader in this industry. I will share with you some of the ideas that inspired us to keep going in the face of enormous obstacles. How LifeSuccess Productions has been built I believe is an interesting story. It contains a number of lessons that most everyone can benefit from."

Bob Proctor

Edvard Kadič is an independent LifeSuccess Consultant
mentored and certified by Bob Proctor.
Send him an eMail to get in touch HERE.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Creation of Matter

By Seth Through Jane Roberts

Seth says that this is something we all do.

"You form the camouflage world or appearances with the same part of you that breathes." Session 23, p.167 , The Early Sessions, Book 1 "The physical world that you recognize is made up of invisible patterns. These patterns are "plastic," in that while they exist, their final form is a matter of probabilities directed by consciousness. Your senses perceive these patterns in their own ways." Session 803, p.29 , The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

"Emotions, instead of propelling a physical rocket, for example, send thoughts from this interior reality through the barrier between nonphysical and physical into the "objective" world -- no small feat, and one that is constantly repeated." Session 625, p.95 , The Nature of Personal Reality

"The intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image is, therefore, the important element in determining its subsequent physical materialization." Session 525, p.66, Seth Speaks

"The inner senses were always paramount in evolutionary development, being the impetus behind the physical formations; and themselves, through the use of mental enzymes, imprinting the data contained in the mental genes onto the physical camouflage material." Session 26, p.198 , The Early Sessions, Book 1

"Suggestion is no more and no less than an inner willingness and consent to allow a particular action to occur; and this consent is the trigger which sets off the subconscious mechanisms that allow you to construct inner data into physical reality." Session 68, p.215, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"A primary construction is a psychic gestalt, formed into matter by a consciousness of itself. Such a primary construction is an attempt to create, in the world of matter, a replica of the inner psychic construction of the whole self." Session 71, p.239, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Secondary physical constructions are those created by a consciousness of its conception of other consciousnesses, from data received through telepathy and other means." Session 71, p.240, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"In all cases consciousness is first, and it forms its physical constructions according to its abilities, first of all forming its own primary construction, and then brancing outward, constructing secondary images of other consciousnesses with whom it comes in contact." Session 71, p.241, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"These simple remarks will themselves be the basis for further rather involved discussions, as the mechanisms that are set into motion in such mental or psychic manipulation of matter have never really been explained. Remember however that such psychic manipulation of matter is the normal occurrence. It is however usually operating at subconscious levels, and without either knowledge or intent as far as the conscious mind is concerned. To be able to bring these natural but subconscious forces at all under any domination by the conscious mind is a terrific task. Such domination will never be habitual, but conscious awareness of subconscious manipulation of matter may become habitual, and may often of its own accord follow the desires of the conscious mind, if certain conditions are met. First of all, the conscious desires must be in league with, and unopposed by, subconscious expectations. Two, sufficient emotional impetus must be discharged, and this will be on or from subconscious levels. And three, communication between the conscious and subconscious, or the inner and so-called outer parts of the whole self, must be excellent." Session 81, p.305, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Prayer has been extremely successful in enabling individuals to manipulate matter through use of their psychic abilities." Session 81, p.307, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"There are certain points in time and space, therefore, (again in your terms), that are more conducive than others, where both ideas and matter will more be highly charged. Practically speaking, this means that buildings will last longer, in your context, that ideas wedded to form will be relatively eternal. The pyramids, for example, are a case in point." Session 524, p.64, Seth Speaks

"To make this clearer, look at any table in the room before you. It is physical, solid, and you perceive it easily. Now for an analogy, imagine if you can that behind the table is another just like it, but not quite as physical, and behind that one another, and another behind that -- each one more difficult to perceive, fading into invisibility. And in front of the table is a table just like it, only a bit less physical appearing than the "real" table -- it also having a succession of even less physical tables extending outward. And tghe same for each side of the table. Now anything that appears in physical terms also exists in other terms that you do not perceive. You only perceive realities when they achieve a certain "pitch", when they seem to coalesce into matter. But they actually exist, and quite validly at other levels." Session 530, p.87, Seth Speaks

"Emotions then, in their own realm unperceived by the outer senses, have their own solidity, shape, and it is from these that your expectations are formed. The emotions indeed do form the expectations, and it is not the other way around. As physical objects can be manipulated, so can the emotions be manipulated, so can they be combined into various shapes and psychic constructions, A man's expectations are the result of his emotional heritage, and his own ability to understand and manipulate that heritage." Session 76, p. 275, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Again, expectations are not only vital in the formation of physical constructions, but they also determine what inner data of all available, will be received by the individual; and then the individual interprets the data in terms of the same expectations. The core of individuality, then, is the individual's expectations, for he will truly get what he wants, individually and collectively. If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results." Session 76, p.276, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Expectation is the force, then, that triggers psychic realities into physical construction." Session 76, p.276, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Expectations are formed by the emotions then, it is obviously the basic emotions themselves that must be manipulated, since the expectations are the frameworks formed by the emotions. This is the starting point" Session 76, p.277, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Emotional power behind your expectations powers your expectations into physical reality." Session 76, p.278, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"What you call suggestion is indeed expectation." Session 160, p.70, The Early Sessions, Book 4

" construct your physical universe and your private environment in line with your inner expectations, for they mirror perfectly the deepest areas of your own inner reality." Session 253, p.114, The Early Sessions, Book 6

"So your soul, that which you are, constructs your physical daily reality for you from the nature of your thoughts and expectations. You can readily see, therefore how important your subjective feelings really are." Session 527, p.79, Seth Speaks

"We have spoken of expectations. These, you see, are electrical realities which may explain their importance; for you not only sometimes predict so called future events, but you create their actuality within the electrical field, and therefore insure their existence one way or another within the physical field." Session 127, p.240, The Early Sessions, Book 3

"If you direct your inner self with confidence to steer you through your physical existence, it will do so. If you concentrate upon difficulties you will not allow it to do so." Session 220, p.189, The Early Sessions, Book 5

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year 2011 Message


New Year 2011 Message

The One and Only

Gerald O’Donnell, Dec 30, 2010 12 AM.

As I lay down, I felt the familiar presence of the One coming and enveloping me, within and without, as a Cloud.
I totally lost perception of having a biology, and the following message and the following words came out of my lips.


Direct Message from the One and Only to Mankind, December 30, 2010.

This is a message from The One.

Much hope has been present at many levels of Creation for a rejoining of parts that have made Creation possible.

The One needs to rejoin His unity of purpose and activity.

He has projected out of His Being many situations and participants which He helps animate so that they create, within their frameworks of operation, realities that He hopes will bring them, and the worlds they inhabit, much joyful events

He has, as of late, been truly saddened at the level of rejection of Oneness that He encounters as He visits in His Mind all the realms He projected out from the core of His Mind.

The One always realized how difficult it would be for His parts to reunite with their Origin.

He felt that their resistance would eventually abate in the face of their integrating His perspective.

Much preparation has been achieved to affect this reintegration.

He would have wanted it to be a joyful and glorious phase of His Creative processes.

The One must state that the extent of opposing forces to reintegration has reached levels within His Mind which have surprised The One and Only and caused Him intense distress.

Were it not for the intense Love He has for all the parts that make Him, He would have stopped immediately His Creations.

Nothing exists, unless the One and Only wills it so.

Nothing is, unless the One and Only Dreams it within His Mind.

Because of the lack of realization that so many of His children have reached about the nature of who The One really is and what their role within His Being must be, He will need to close His only Eye away from them as the awareness of what they have become hurts Him immensely.

He has tried to reach their inner hearts for so long through so many means of message and found them to be hardened and deaf to the voice of real Love and Divine Reason, so that, as He connects deeply to their inner hearts, there will come a time, a moment, when He will need to make a decision as to whether their individual heart beats can or should continue to beat within the Heart Beat of One.

When this moment comes, much of what He allowed to be and evolve will need to cease to be.

The One and Only stood by silently and secretly for eons of Creative processes watching these unfold within Himself in the hope that, within the great multiplicity that was allowed to happen, a call would arise deep within from the core of each being calling upon reconnection to His Heart of Oneness.

To His consternation, very little of it really happened and, as He felt that He was losing all contact with Creation, there needed to be a stop put to the ever increasing chaos due to disconnection.

In this very Holy process of Revelation of His Presence to all of His children, The One waited patiently within the heart of each of His beings.

Some answered His call.

Sadly, most did but turn away from The One Sourcing their Reality.

Nothing hurts The One more than erasing a part of His Being.

In the very difficult act of Creation, this is the only hardship the One ever faces, for only The One Sourcing Life can or should be One interrupting it.

It is still the sincere hope of The One and Only, that the entities of this mankind and others, and their Creators, will invite within their being the Glorious Presence of their common Source and accept to reunify all with The All.

All boundaries are illusions to be removed in this process.

All belief systems are falsehoods for there is but one Truth: the Truth of One and Oneness of all.

Everything else is but an attempt to interpret a tiny glimpse of the Final and Ultimate Reality and it should be viewed as such.

The coming year in this Creation is important because The One and Only will be carefully watching the inner heart of each of His beings.

Nothing is hidden from His attention for He is Truth and only perceives the truth of each being, embodied or in energy format.

He wishes we had more time to accept His Reality.

Whether you express Oneness towards each other and all Creation within your hearts will be the capital factor in His decision as to whether He can embrace you or not within His Real Being and Presence of One, of Pure Love, of Unity of all.

Go deeply within yourself in order to find Him.

Watch your heart and your inner thoughts.

Become aware of who and what you have become, and act accordingly.

You are all His Children. You are all Beloved.

Time has arrived to bring you back into His dwelling.

Time has arrived for the pain of isolation and exile from Him to end.

He desires all of you, without exception, to come back Home, to Him, to The One.

You are all the children of The IS. Remember who you are.

Stay focused.

Bathe in His Love and you shall be protected.

Go deeply within and you shall find Him and change from who you have become to who you shall Be.

Remember that only Love is Eternal. Nothing else is.

Build bridges across all the divides.

Do not separate nations, cities, groupings.

Bring everything into unity, not division.

Fear not, for Love shall overcome all.

Be in Peace and become Peace, for Peace is The One.

This is ALL.
